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United Soccer of Auburn

United Soccer of Auburn

Laws of the Game

The Laws of the Game are authorized on an annual basis by the International Football Association Board (IFAB) and provided by the Fédération Internationale de Football Associations (FIFA).  There are 17 Laws of the game, a summary is below.  For the youth game modifications are allowed in field size, ball size, game duration and substitutions and heading.

Law 1: The Field of Play - See Fact Sheet section below
Law 2: The Ball - See Fact Sheet section below 
Law 3: The Players - See Fact Sheet section below 
Law 4: The Players Equipment - See Fact Sheet section below
Law 5 & 6: The Referee and Other Match Officials

Enforces the laws of the game, act as time keeper, supervises and indicates restart of play. A referee can give a Yellow Card (caution) or Red Card (Dismissal from Game) at their discretion.  A player can be cautioned and shown the yellow card for any of the following offenses: guilty of unsporting behavior, dissent by word or action, persistently infringes the Laws of the Game, delays the restart of play, delays of game, entering or leaving the field without referee permission  A player can be sent off and shown the red card for the following offenses: serious foul, violent conduct, denies an opponent a goal or obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball or committing a foul, insulting or abusive language, receiving a second yellow card.

Law 7: Duration of the Match - See Fact Sheet section below
Law 8: The Start and Restart of Play

The team to kick off to start the game is determined by a pregame coin flip.  All players, except the player taking the kick-off, must be in their own half of the field of play. The opponents of the team taking the kick-off must be in their own half and outside the center circle. The ball is started from the center circle at each half and after each goal.  For the second half, teams switch sides and the opposite team will start with the ball.  The ball is in play once moved, and the player kicking the ball can not touch it again before another player has, otherwise a direct kick is rewarded,

Law 9: The Ball in and Out of Play -

The ball is in play until it completely crosses the goal line or touchline either on the ground or in the air. If a ball hits a referee and changes possession, goes out of bounds or into a goal the team losing possession is granted a drop ball.  A ball is in bounds if it comes off of a goal post or corner flag.

Law 10: Determining the Outcome of a Match - 

A goal is scored when the ball fully crosses the goal line. In results oriented games (U12 and up) score is kept by the official for standings.  Games will end in a tie, except for the playoffs in spring seasons. In U10 score is kept, but there are no standings or playoffs.  Score is not kept for U8 and lower. 

Law 11: Offsides

There is no offsides for U8 and lower. For U10 and up a players is deemed offsides when any part of their body is in the opponents half AND nearer to the goal line that any defender (minus the goalie) prior to the ball being played to them / becoming active in the play.  There is no offside on the initial restart from a goal kick, corner kick, or thrown in.

Law 12: Fouls and Misconduct

A direct free kick will be awarded for offenses that are deemed to be careless, reckless, or using excessive force. This includes but is not limited to tripping, kicking, pushing, charging, or handling the ball. A handball is called when a player deliberately touches the ball with their hand/arm or when the player touches the ball with their hand/arm when it has made their body unnaturally bigger. 

Law 13: Free Kicks

A referee will signal for a direct or indirect free kick.  An indirect kick must touch another player before going in the goal.  Opposing players must be ten yards from the kick.

All free kicks for U7 and U8 are modified to be indirect, handballs should be at the referees discretions. Opposing players should be five yards from the kick.  There are no free kicks in U5 and U6.

Law 14: Penalty Kicks 

A penalty kick is rewarded for a direct free kick inside the penalty box and is taken from the penalty spot (see table below).   The goalie must stay on the line until the ball is kicked. The ball must be kicked forward and may not be touched again by the kicker until someone else has touched the ball.

There are no penalty kicks at U8  and below.

Law 15: Throw Ins 

A throw in is taken when the ball goes out on the touchline.  The thrower must be facing the field, have both feet on our behind the line and touching the ground when the ball is thrown,  and throw the ball with both hands from behind and over the head.  If the throw is illegal, the other team gets a throw in from the spot.

U8 and U8 players will be permitted a second chance and illegal throws may be allowed at the referees discretion. There are no throw ins in U5 and U6.

Law 16: Goal Kicks - 

A goal kick is rewarded when the ball goes out of bounds over the goal line, kicked out by the opposing team. The ball can be kicked from anywhere on or inside the goalie box.  The ball must be touched by a second player before the kicker can touch it a second time.  Opposing players must be outside the penalty area. In U7, U8, and U10 all opposing players must be behind half field.

There are no goal  kicks in U5 and U6.

Law 16: Corner Kicks 

A corner kick is rewarded when the ball goes out of bounds over the goal line, kicked out by the defending team. The ball can be kicked from anywhere on or inside the corner marking.  The corner flag cannot be moved. The ball must be touched by a second player before the kicker can touch it a second time. A goal can be scored directly from the corner kick. Opposing players must be outside the penalty area. In U7 and U8 all opposing players must be behind goal box line.

There are no corner  kicks in U5 and U6.

Age Group Fact Sheet

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United Soccer of Auburn

P.O. Box 110 
Auburn, Massachusetts 01501
Email: [email protected]

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