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United Soccer of Auburn

United Soccer of Auburn

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get in touch with the league?

Your best bet is to find the appropriate age group coordinator, registrar etc. contact here and send us an email.

What age group Is my player in?

We are a grade-based program affiliated with Mass Youth Soccer and Midland Area Youth Soccer. The annual grade chart can be found here.  Our registration process is aligned with the dates for the Auburn public schools. If your player falls outside of those date parameters, please email us before registering.  Once players reach 3rd grade, we only have travel soccer. The vast majority of games played within a 25 minute drive of Auburn.

How do I register?

Registration is completed on our website  Either login or create an account to begin the process from your account page.  Fall registration typically runs from  May - June for travel and May - July  for in town.  Spring registration runs from October - December for travel and October - February for in town.

Why do we have to register so early?

The main driver is the submission timeline to our parent league for travel rosters.  Rosters are due to them about 1.5 - 2 months prior to practices starting.  Each season we need to submit teams with player profiles for review to their board. In order to meet those deadlines and avoid holidays the timelines are set as above.  In town registration opens at the same time so that families with multiple players can take advantage of the multi player discounts.  In town closes when it does so that we can order uniforms and have them in on time.

What equipment does my player need?

All players, regardless of level, are required to wear shin guards that fit under the socks.      Cleats are recommended for all age groups, but the youngest players can wear sneakers. NOTE that baseball or football cleats will NOT be allowed. Players must wear soccer cleats or sneakers. The main difference is the toe spike which can and has caused injuries. .  In town players will receive a jersey and socks.  Players should bring a ball and appropriate drink to all practices and games.

Registration fees do not include uniforms for our grades 3 and up players.  Travel players must purchase the uniform with number assigned via the league store here.  Do not purchase a uniform if you don't know your assigned number.

Score Sports (our league store and uniform provider) offers a number of items for our players and we frequently have discount days with Dick's Sporting Goods.



When does the season start and how long is it?

The season timelines for both intown programs (Grades Pre k – 2) and travel (Grades 3-12) are similar for fall and spring.

·       In Town usually begins the Saturday after Labor Day and runs until about the first weekend of November.  Our K, 1st, and 2nd grade players may practice the week prior.  We usually skip Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples Day weekend The Spring Season typically runs from the first weekend in April until mid-June. Games are usually held the weekends of school vacation but are not held on Memorial Day weekend.

·       The travel season typically starts practicing late August with games beginning the weekend before Labor Day.  The season will usually run until the first or second weekend of November.  The spring season will begin practices in late March, depending on field conditions and games begin the first week of April.  Games are held the weekends of school vacation but are not held on Memorial Day weekend.  The season runs until the middle of June.  Playoff eligible teams (U12 and U14) should be prepared to play until the last week of June.

When will hear from our coach?

Travel coaches will get their rosters as soon as possible, once approved by MAYS.  This is typically about 2-3 weeks before practices begin.  In town coaches will receive their information about 2-3 weeks prior to the first week.

When and where are practices and games?

Our in-town programs mostly utilize the grass fields in town.  We try and rotate but generally our Pre-K - K program is held at Lemansky Park.  Grade 1 and 2 teams can practice at Lemansky and Bryn Mawr, games are usually at Auburn Middle School or Mary D Stone.  Our travel teams will practice at a mix of grass fields, Pappas Recreation Complex, and Auburn Middle School. Games are usually at Pappas, AMS, or Auburn High School. Since coaches pick practice nights, for the travel level we cannot guarantee a specific practice night each season.

 Age GroupWeeknightsWeekends
 PK4 / U4 None Saturday: Mornings, 50 Minutes
 PK4 / u5 None Saturday: Mornings, 30 Minute Practice, 30 Minute Game
 K / U6 Wednesdays: 60 Minutes Saturday: Mornings, 30 Minute Practice, 30 Minute Game
 Grades 1 &2  / U7&U8 Varies: 60 Minute team practice (Coach pick)
60 Minute foot skills session (Full U7 or U8 division)
 Saturday:  Late Morning / Afternoons, 50 Minute Game
 Grades 3&4 / U10 Varies: Twice weekly 60 minute practice
Coach picks nights
 Saturday: Times vary, typically between 8:30AM and 5:00PM. Play two 25 minute halves
 Grades 5/6 / U12 Varies: Twice weekly 60 minute practice
Coach picks nights
 Saturday: Times vary, typically between 8:30AM and 5:00PM. Play two 30 minute halves
 Grades 7/8  / U14 Varies: Twice weekly 60 minute practice
Coach picks nights
 Saturday: Times vary, typically between 8:30AM and 5:00PM. Play two 35 minute halves
 Highschool Varies: Twice weekly 60 minute practice
Coach picks nights
 Sunday: Times vary, typically between 11:30AM and 5:00PM. Play two 40 minute halves


How are teams made?

Our teams are put together, guided by the process in our Player placement and play up policy found here.   The main organizational goal is to place each player on a team best suited for their individual technical, tactical, emotional and social development. For in-town leagues (U8 and under)  we field teams that are as balanced as possible. For travel leagues (U10 and above) we field the most competitive teams possible and place them in appropriate divisions within the age group  

Teams at the travel level are made with the players first and filled with coach volunteers after.  Specific coach and teammate requests are not a factor in player placement. 

How do I volunteer?

Registration for coaching is completed on our website  Either login or create an account to begin the process from your account page.  Once you register with Auburn, all volunteers must complete a registration with MA Youth Soccer annually. All coaches are required to complete a CDC Concussion and SafeSport training to be credentialed each year.  We know it’s a lot to do and as a thank you for every season you coach, you will receive a coupon code for a free future registration for your player.  If you interested in joining the board, our election schedule and board descriptions can all be found in our bylaws here.

What if I don't have any soccer or coaching experience?

Don't worry about that part at all.  We offer and will pay for or reimburse for trainings as well as age appropriate practice plans and support.  There are great trainings offered both online and in person through Mass Youth Soccer here.  We will also provide you with all of the equipment needed to run a successful season.

Can we play if we don't live in Auburn?

Yes, we have a number of players who live outside of town that play here for a variety of reasons.  Once a player hits travel however, the home town league will have to provide a waiver to Auburn each year via our parent league.  This is done behind the scenes and is typically not an issue.

Do you have a refund policy?

Refunds will be only provided in the event a player/family moves from the area, if a player is injured and unable to play, if a player cannot be rostered on a USA team, or other extraordinary circumstances approved by the registrar or USA Board of Directors. Refunds will also only be considered before rosters are approved by MAYS, and only before a season begins game play except in cases mentioned above. Prorated refunds may be issued at the registrar/Board discretion. The Board also reserves the right to provide a registration credit toward future registration in lieu of a cash refund. All refunds are subject to a $10 administrative fee. 

Contact us

United Soccer of Auburn

P.O. Box 110 
Auburn, Massachusetts 01501
Email: [email protected]

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